Privacy Policy
1. Company details
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the company is set out below. COMPANY NAME: COVERBAG BCN, S.L. / NIF: B-65136913 / REGISTERED ADDRESS: MARQUES DE MONISTROL, 7-9 LOCAL, 08980 SANT FELIU DE LLOBREGAT (BARCELONA) / TELEPHONE: 936851970 / EMAIL ADDRESS: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona , volume 41349*, book, folio 0180, sheet nº 391099.
2. Legal notice on intellectual property
The Copyright of the material contained in this Website, such as texts, source code, graphic designs or images, is the property of COVERBAG BCN S.L. Access to it does not imply a license for its reproduction and/or distribution and it is not permitted to do so without the prior consent of COVERBAG BCN S.L.
3. Protection of personal data
The privacy of your data is essential. Coverbag Bcn undertakes to use the personal data in its possession exclusively to maintain the relationship with its customers.
File and consent. We inform you that in compliance with Spanish law and specifically article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, that your personal data is included in a contact file for its treatment automated. Coverbag Bcn, S.L. is responsible for the treatment of this data. By accepting the present terms and conditions the client authorises Coverbag Bcn to use his data for its treatment.
Veracity of the data. The customer is responsible for the veracity of the data he/she enters and undertakes not to enter false data and to modify them if necessary. Incidents arising from the entry of false data will result in the loss of your rights to claim.
Purpose of the treatment: Coverbag Bcn collects some personal data entered by the buyer in the form used to register and to make purchases. Coverbag Bcn will use this information for billing and shipping the product, as well as for periodically sending commercial information and offers to registered customers. Coverbag Bcn may use subcontracted companies to send commercial information and offers. In this case, the registered clients expressly authorise Coverbag Bcn the communication of their e-mail address for the fulfilment of this purpose.
Right of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation. Customers have the right to access their data, rectify it, cancel it and oppose its treatment, by request addressed to Coverbag Bcn, S.L. through private area. In this way you can guarantee that no one performs this action through identity theft.
Limitation of Liability and Security. Coverbag Bcn has adopted security measures so that your data is confidential and inviolable. Therefore, the necessary measures have been established to comply with Royal Decree 994/1999, of June 11 (Regulation of security measures for automated files containing personal data). Coverbag Bcn will not be responsible for the lack of diligence of its clients in the custody of their access codes or their personal data, likewise Coverbag Bcn will not be responsible for incidents that may arise from attacks or unauthorized access to systems, in such a way that these are impossible to detect by the measures implemented.